Yasmeen Asker

“Aliquam eget nunc mi. Integer sodales lacus eu risus ornare viverra.Ut semper massa sed dolor congue vestibulum.”


Masjid Furqaan is the largest Quran Distribution Warehouse in USA and Islamic Center. Masjid Furqaan is a division of Al-Furqaan Foundation, a non-profit organization, located in Bolingbrook, IL.

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401 W. Boughton Rd,
Bolingbrook, Illinois, 60440, USA


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© Copyright Masjid Furqaan Bolingbrook 2017 - . All Rights Reserved. Masjid Furqaan Bolingbrook is a division of Al-Furqaan Foundation, a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit dawah organization based in Illinois, founded in 2003. www.furqaan.org. The Foundation does not accept conditional donations. The Foundation reserves the right to allocate, preserve, grow, invest, and loan any funds donated to the Foundation for any of the Foundation’s charitable purposes. WEBSITE DESIGNED BY FURQAAN STUDIOS.